The Music Staff Studio Contract
In addition to signing The Music Staff Studio contract, all new students must also complete a Student Information Form.
1. Specific to in-home, studio lessons, and virtual lessons- Tuition is billed on a monthly basis; tuition is based on a 4-week month, no extra charge for 5-week months; this contract is on a month-to-month basis.
2. Registration fee- A one-time only $20 registration fee is due at acceptance. Group class students are NOT subject to this registration fee. In the event of a waiting list or holding lesson time availability, this fee will secure an available lesson time.
3. Specific to private lessons- Shortly after registering for lessons, you will receive an invoice in the mail. When starting in the middle of a month, the bill will be prorated. The subsequent tuition invoices will be sent on the first of each month.
4. Specific to group classes- Please pay all tuition fees online before the first class. For anyone needing a payment plan, please contact The Music Staff Studio office.
5. Prorates-
Each student is granted one (1) cancelled lesson per semester during the academic school year (September-May). Please notify The MSS office via email or our website query form listed under our “Student” page. Please notify The MSS office on or before the day of the excused allotted prorate. This lesson is to be either prorated or rescheduled, based on the availability of all parties. No refunds will be given for further missed lessons/classes. Make-up lessons/classes are not guaranteed if the student misses further lessons. Rescheduled lessons are based on the availability of the instructor. Please contact the instructor directly for possible scheduling. The account will be refunded if the lesson/class was cancelled or missed by the instructor and a make-up lesson/class was not given.
Between the months of June-August, billing is prorated and lessons are rescheduled for students that cancel due to a planned summer event with advanced notice (the responsible party must inform the office of The Music Staff Studio before the 15th of the month for the following month). No refunds will be given for further missed lessons/classes. Make-up lessons/classes are not guaranteed if the student misses further lessons. Rescheduled lessons are based on the availability of the instructor. Please contact the instructor directly for possible scheduling. The account will be refunded if the lesson/class was cancelled or missed by the instructor and a make-up lesson/class was not given.
6. Cancelling lessons/taking a break- The responsible party must call and inform the office of The Music Staff Studio before the 15th day of any month to discontinue private lessons for the following month. If the student or responsible party does not inform The Music Staff Studio or the instructor of discontinuing, and the instructor had a lesson time blocked in his/her schedule, the student will be billed for that lesson. The following month tuition is due if lessons are discontinued after the 15th day of the month.
7. Specific to in-home, studio lessons, and virtual lessons- The Music Staff Studio observes the following holidays with no make-up lessons given... Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and the Friday after, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day. Any missed lesson(s) due to other holidays will be rescheduled based on instructor and student schedules.
8. Specific to bi-weekly or pay-per lessons- Students enrolled in every-other-week or pay-per lessons will be billed per lesson (per lesson rates are based on a 4-week month). Students and teachers may choose to reschedule lessons that fall on holidays. Students enrolled in non-weekly lessons may choose to take or bypass a third lesson in months when five weeks occur. In any case, The Music Staff Studio will invoice only the number of lessons given.
9. Late fee- There will be a late charge of fifteen percent (15%) of the unpaid balance for payments received after the due date.
10. Lesson suspension- The Music Staff Studio Performing Arts Academy reserves the right to suspend lessons if the balance remains unpaid. If balance remains unpaid for 60 days, lessons will be suspended and the account will be referred to a collections agency for recovery for all past due amounts, in addition to all costs of collection, including reasonable attorney fees.
11. Referral discount- There will be a one time $20.00 discount applied to the following month’s tuition for each referral that enrolls with The Music Staff Studio.
12. Liability- The Music Staff Studio cannot be held responsible for any injury to the student or damage to the property of the student while teaching.
13. Liability- The instructor cannot be held responsible for any injury to the student or damage to the property of the student while teaching that was not the result of neglect.
14. Specific to school lessons- Tuition is applied monthly. NOTE: Tuition is based on a four-week month. There is no extra charge or prorate for fifth-week lessons.
15. Specific to school lessons- Any missed lesson(s) due to holidays or snow days will be rescheduled based on instructor and student schedules. If the instructor is unable to reschedule a lesson, there will be no charge for school vacations and/or snow days. The account will be credited for the following month.
16. Photo/Video Consent- The Music Staff Studio Performing Arts Academy teachers will occasionally photograph or videotape lessons/performances for educational use and MSS marketing. Your permission grants us approval to use these images without circumstantial notification. The Music Staff Studio Performing Arts Academy will not identify students by name or other personal information without written permission from parents or guardians (in such cases your consent will be requested separately from this contract).
If not completing online, please print and return to the billing office by selecting "Print MSS Contract" below.